Sunday, 16 November 2014

I'm Starting To Stitch

I have finally started to stitch again sort of properly.  I am so much slower than I was when I quit it's quite scary.  But started I have.  I have started stitching

 American Quaker Band Sampler 1803
The Scarlet Letter

And so far mine looks like this after a good few hours stitching.  I think I told you that my right arm isn't great and I am trying to stitch two handed with a wonky arm but it's okay because it's resting on a table and my left hand is on top and is working so much faster than my right hand.  But I'll get there.  I also goofed on this and miscounted and stitched the first upward line 14 stitches instead of 15 but I can get this right by adding an extra stitch on the right hand side so it ends up all present and correct.

I also bought the Lizzie Kate kit (apart from the fabric because I have so much) for Things Unseen Mystery Sampler and I have Part 1, the threads and the button pack from The Patchwork Rabbit owned by Karla and her husband.  It's not exactly my style but I shall stitch it for one of my children.

Well that's it from me for now except to say that I love hearing your messages so please leave me one.

Lots of Love

Patti xxx
My Pinterest

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